Electronic Remote Trap Monitoring

Control rodents and wildlife more easily and effectively

Electronic Remote Trap Monitoring

Control rodents and wildlife more easily and effectively

Electronic Remote Trap Monitoring

Control rodents and wildlife more easily and effectively

Skyhawk Trapmate provides drop-and-go battery-powered ERM solutions that work with your existing traps and stations. Arm yourself with Trapmate to grow your business faster, service your customers better, and transform the way you work.

Monitor all your traps from your phone or desktop

Monitor all your traps from your phone or desktop

You’ll get instant alerts whenever an animal is in your traps, so you can take immediate action when needed and free up time when it’s not.

Work on solutions, not just problems

You’ll eliminate unnecessary trap checks with Trapmate and be able reinvest that time in exclusion, sanitation and client education, for your other clients, or for yourself.

Work on solutions, not just problems
Work on solutions, not just problems

Work on solutions, not just problems

You’ll eliminate unnecessary trap checks with Trapmate and be able reinvest that time in exclusion, sanitation and client education, for your other clients, or for yourself.

Expand revenues, reduce costs

Expand revenues, reduce costs

If you’re a commercial operator, you can use Trapmate to gain market share, expand your service offerings, and increase your geographic range. And Trapmate saves anyone doing rodent or wildlife control time, labor and fuel.

Why use Trapmate?

Achieve better results with less effort

Win new business with more advanced offerings

Save time, money and hassle

Access new control strategies

Transform your trapping

Trapmate gateways and sensors are all battery-powered – giving you the freedom to monitor traps in locations that would have been unmanageable before, allowing you to cast a wider net.

Transform your trapping
Transform your trapping

Transform your trapping

Trapmate gateways and sensors are all battery-powered – giving you the freedom to monitor traps in locations that would have been unmanageable before, allowing you to cast a wider net.

Build on your existing foundation

Build on your existing foundation

Trapmate gives you remote monitoring without having to replace any of your existing traps or stations. We make a variety of connectors and adapters to fit every situation.

Install with ease and speed

Trapmate is built for easy installation – you can set up Trapmate devices in a minute or so, drop it in, and go. No need to worry about connecting to power, WiFi or anything else!

Install with ease and speed
Install with ease and speed

Install with ease and speed

Trapmate is built for easy installation – you can set up Trapmate devices in a minute or so, drop it in, and go. No need to worry about connecting to power, WiFi or anything else!

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