Jim Nase, Skyhawk’s industry ambassador for Trapmate electronic remote monitoring, will be representing Skyhawk at the PCT Vendor Showcase on November 29 at 12:30pm ET

Jim’s presentation, Electronic Remote Monitoring: Looking Back, Looking Forward, will cover his experiences and learnings as an early advocate and pioneer in ERM, how ERM technology is evolving, and the role he sees for ERM in the future of the pest and wildlife control industries.

The PCT Vendor Showcase is a free virtual event which highlights topics from leading companies in the pest control industry. Skyhawk will be presenting alongside other industry leaders such as Workwave, Azuga, Cedar Pest Software, and Field Routes. The showcase presentations begin at 12 noon Eastern Time, with Skyhawk’s Nase in the 2nd slot, starting at 12:30.

For register for the free PCT Vendor Showcase, or to read more about the presentations and presenters, visit the Vendor Showcase web site.